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Buyer’s guide & information

Buying property, whether it’s your first time or not, can be daunting. With the right advice and guidance, you might be surprised how easy and fulfilling the process is. We are committed to giving buyers honest, professional advice on their purchase, and we’ll be available throughout the buying process to answer any queries or concerns you might have.

Where do I start?

You’ll need to have an idea how much you can afford. In deciding this you need to have a clear idea of what type of property you need and the location you want to buy in. You can refer to the Property Price Register to help you determine the likely cost of the house you have in mind. Speak to a mortgage broker, bank or building society and see how much you can afford. They will confirm if you qualify for a mortgage, how much, and will give you “Approval In Principle” for the loan. Ask them to give you the “Approval In Principle” in writing.

What happens then?

Well, you now know how much you can afford. Contact us, or browse our property listings and see if we have any suitable properties in your price range. If we don’t, don’t worry, let us know what you require, and we’ll work to match your requirements to find suitable properties for you.

When can I view suitable properties?

We will arrange viewings to suit your schedule. We are happy to show you properties after hours, during lunch-break or at weekends. We nearly always have to give 24 hours’ notice to vendors, so give us a bit of notice.

How do I make an offer?

If you decide to make an offer on a property, we will guide you on what level of offer might be acceptable to the vendor. Remember, we represent the vendor in the transaction, but he or she is paying us to negotiate a sale with you, so we’ll be working with you to agree a deal. If you agree a sale price, then we regard the property as “Sale Agreed”, and you will be required to pay a 5% holding deposit as a gesture of goodwill, signifying the genuine nature of your offer.

What happens then?

You will also need to instruct a solicitor, who will take care of the legal issues relating to the contract of sale and drawing down the mortgage. You might also need to have the property surveyed by a professional surveyor or architect. This will reassure you that the property is in good structural condition. You may need to apply for a mortgage on the property, your mortgage advisor will assist you with this and the associated insurance policies that might be required.

Is the deal done when we agree a sale?

Unfortunately not. Under the laws of conveyance, the sale of the property is not firm until both the purchaser and/or vendor have signed and exchanged contracts of sale. Your solicitor will explain the legal significance of this. Up to this point, both purchaser or vendor can withdraw from the sale. It doesn’t happen often, but you should be aware that it can happen. Up to the exchange of contracts, your holding deposit is fully refundable if the sale does not proceed for any reason.

How long does it take for the sale to close?

All going well, a residential sale usually takes about 8 to 10 weeks to close. If a delay occurs, we will do all we can to resolve the matter, working with your solicitor, mortgage advisor or surveyor as appropriate.

(Please note that the following is intended as a general guide to the buying process, and not a legal interpretation of the process. Buyers should take advice from suitably qualified professionals before entering into a property purchase.)

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